Thursday, June 19, 2014

Patty Melt Meatloaf from the Freezer

June is going to bring me to my knees. 

I don’t mean to my knees in a “Thank you Lord for all the things before me” way.  I will be driven to my knees in a “Lord, Please save me and my family from the insanity I've brought to our lives with the activities I've committed to.  Please keep us healthy and upright until county fair in July” kind of way.

There are 30 days in June.  We have at least one activity planned on 24 of the 30 days of this month.  What was I thinking!?!  I must have thought I had some kind of superwoman cape hanging out in my closet.  What I actually have is a Farmer Boy who has stayed up on Farmers Market Baking nights and done dishes with me.  Couldn't live this life without him.   

I am so thankful for a stint in the kitchen with a girlfriend before she headed off to her spring planting season in the field alongside of her husband.   We each ended up with a bevy of freezer meals and now (sob) I’m almost out of them.

Freezer meals are the salvation of our family.  Working, trying to balance the Farmer Boy’s seasons, the kids’ activities and now the Farmers Market has meant that housekeeping in rooms that don’t have running water in them has gotten a little lax and laundry is an everyday adventure.  I’m glad it is flip-flop season, so I don’t have to worry about finding matching socks. Meals have been far below my preferred standards and I’m seeing the effects.  Did I mention that I love freezer meals and hot-dishes?

I discovered this past year the Farmer Boy loves a good patty melt burger.  A good patty melt takes some serious effort and timing.  Meatloaf isn't nearly so time consuming. This is my interpretation of the burger into a meatloaf.  This freezes very well.  I like to put it into my oven right from the freezer in the morning before I go to the office and do a delayed cook in my oven, timed for when we get home from work or the evening’s activities.  I’ll throw sweet or regular potatoes in the oven so I just need a fresh veggie to go along with it for a full meal.

Enjoy your crazy June! I think this is one of the months summer memories are made.

Kate’s Patty Melt Meatloaf
The Groceries:
2 pounds lean ground beef
2 eggs, lightly beaten
½-3/4 cup warmed milk
3 slices of dark bread (I like marble rye), broken into small pieces, keep in mind the darker the bread the stronger the flavor.  We like strong.
½ t salt + ¼ t salt
¼ t pepper + 1/8 t pepper
1 Very Large onion sliced thin
4 T butter
3 C fresh shredded Swiss cheese

The Process: 
Preheat oven to 350.
Melt butter in a skillet.  Add onions to pan and season with 1/4t salt and 1/8t pepper.  Sauté until they have caramelized and have taken on a dark brown color. Set aside.

Soak bread in milk until it falls apart. Add to eggs, ground beef, ½ t salt and ¼ t pepper.  Mix very well.  Pat into a rectangle as wide as your meatloaf pan until ½ inch thick. Use a sheet of waxed paper or tin foil under to help roll it. Spread caramelized onions across the meatloaf sheet.  Top with cheese spread evenly across the onions.  Roll from one side.  Place in meatloaf pan with your seam side up to minimize cheese from melting out of your loaf.  Cover with foil and bake for 90 minutes if defrosted.  Please bake for a full 2 hours if set on delayed cook or 2.5 hours right from the freezer. Let sit for 5-10 minutes after removing from the oven before slicing and serving. Serve with French fries for a dinner style meal.

Note: I love my Perfect Meatloaf Pan.  This little wonder has an insert that allows the grease to drain off if you want to make meatloaf a leaner meal.  ;) Or if you are like me and will probably make gravy to go with the mashed potatoes that meatloaf begs for, you can use a little of the drippings to help make the gravy. And no, I was not paid to mention them. I just really like their pan.  Get one if your family likes meatloaf.